There are a few items that are, without a doubt, painfully true.
- Since it is in the national news, it is much worse than is being reported
- Where-ever the government is making the most effort to deny, is probably where the most truth is
- It is George Bush's fault (he does bear some responsibility, but this expanded under the current administration)
- The whistle-blower (messenger) will be vilified instead of the actual crimes
- The normal administration apologists will downplay the issues and blame the "Vast right-wing conspiracy" (probably using different terms, but nonetheless, the same thing)
- If Bill Clinton were president, he would probably bomb some Lybian aspirin factory
I remember reading George Orwell's book, 1984 in High School and was outraged by the idea of the government being so intrusive. As it turns out, there were 2 types of people that read that book. The first, like myself and most people did feel a sense of outrage. Unfortunately, the 2nd group read the book and said, "What a cool idea." and they became politicians.
In reality, our constitution does not include a "Right to Privacy" in the Bill of Rights. It does include "Freedom of Speech" and the supreme court did, in fact, interpret it that way in the distant past. The thought was that if your private conversations were monitored, you would be less likely to speak freely for fear of retribution. But, oh that slippery-slope. If the original constitution authors could have envisioned future technology, I am sure that they would have made provision for protecting private speech.
- Ever since the internet went public, email was created, MySpace and Facebook started gathering your personal information and smart phones became part of everyone's life, the government has been keeping tabs on you
- There have been many people informing us of this all along
- You have been in denial of these facts
- Every manufactured crisis has resulted in large encroachments of personal liberties in the name of keeping you more secure
- You are not more secure than before the encroachments
- You can never trust the government to stop collecting data about you or listening to your conversations (no matter who is in office)
- The genie is out of the bottle, he cannot be put back
So, what does this really mean? Am I saying that this is not serious? Oh yes, it is quite serious. Unfortunately, it is not new information. Yesterday, the government was collecting information and spying on you in ways that George Orwell could not even envision. You had your suspicions, but you were powerless to do anything about it. Today, the government is collecting information and spying on you and you have confirmation. But you are still powerless to do anything about it.
Please spare me the feigned outrage. Your calls for action will fall on deaf ears. The people in power will not give up their "tools" because you are upset. That ship has sailed and the genie that got out of the bottle is piloting it (how's that for a mixed metaphor?).
So, what should we do? Should we just accept that we live in a police state? Actually, yes. The safest thing to do is get past the denial stage and act as if your every conversation is being listened to. The German underground was able to use the Nazi* observations as a weapon against them by providing false information and misdirection. One thing that sociopathic bullies (or politician, the terms can be used interchangeably) like is for their victims to squirm and resist. It helps to identify those that need to be silenced. So, stop resisting and confuse them. The next thing to do is stop contributing to the economy. Pay your tributes (taxes, protection money, mob fees, pick the best term that applies) that you cannot avoid paying, but start reducing your tax base. Pay off your debt, reduce your expenses and find ways to reduce your income.
Now that you have simplified your life, go live life. Enjoy nature. Spend time with your family. Have as much fun as you can as the system collapses. You may as well, the system will implode with or without your worry and contribution. Just let it go. This is the key to happiness. As everyone else is concerned about their 401K, you can smile knowing that no matter what, you are powerless to control it anyway, so smile and let them think you are crazy.
Meanwhile, Kat and I hope to see you out there on the Path to Galt's Gulch.
Until next time - Kit
*Am I comparing the current administration to the Nazi's? No, it is more like Stalinist Soviet Union, which turned out to be even more diabolical.
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